Tuesday, October 28, 2008

JAmIe AnD I bRAVED TAkINg ThESE cRAZY gIRLS tO HIgH sCHoOl MUsICaL. iT wAS SO mUCh fUn AnD tHE giRLs lOVEd iT. JaMIE aND I lOvED iT tO, tHE daNCiNG wAs gREat. tHaNKS tO kISten i DiD nOT hAVE MY sWEet lITtLe BOy. sO ALl IN aLL i ThInK sHE wAS tHe BRavE oNE (you are so great thanks).

I Love all the missing teeth
mS. gARdNEr wAs aLSO At tHE sHoW So wE wERE lUcKy ENoUGH tO gET a DaNG cUTE piCTuRe. ThEy ArE LuCkY LiTtLe GiRls tO hAve


Were do I start. You are one in a million and we are lucky enough to have you in our lives. You are so talented and you show it by the many things that you have accomplished. You are always willing to help when ever we need you (my wall in the garage with out your expertise it would not look like it does) We love you so much and hope that you have a great b-day

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

So I was messing with my blog yesterday and I lost almost everything. I really don't know what I did so it is going to take some time to get it figured out. Jer just scratches his head and does not know what to say .But hey I don't work on computers everyday like he does. I am getting a lot better than I was.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Soccer and Freezing do they go

GRANDPA Paul, Annie, Capri and Aunt Vic

Suffered through the freezing at Janey's Soccer Game

JANEY is waiting for her turn to go into the game.

She did a great JOB


AJ has been busier than ever. I am having a hard time keeping track of him. I found him in the cupboard sitting on the printer
He has been climbing on my book shelf. When I get after him about it he just lays down and acts so innocent.

I have been making homemade bread and apparently he wanted a piece. He pulled it off the counter and started eating big chunks off. This is AJ loving the camera. I love him and his energy. He said Janey last week and it made me cry.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Tagged again

Here is my 4th picture of my 4th folder. This is AJ in my bath tub, he does this every day except it is usually full of balls, bats, my curling Irons, tooth brushes and what ever else he can find.

1. Go to Your Pictures.
2. Upload 4th Picture of 4th Folder.
3. Post.4.
Tag 4 of Your Friends.

I Tag....Heather, Michelle, Angie, Angie

Friday, October 3, 2008


I was getting out my Halloween decorations and I wanted to add something fun to them so I printed off all of these pictures and framed them. I can not believe how fast Janey has grown up.

Holy Cow Janey was only 10 months old talk about a chunk. This was her first Halloween. I cant believe how time flies. Before we know it AJ is going to be 6.

Halloween 2003 Aunt Olivia bought her this little outfit and it was perfect for her to be a china doll.

2004 Jer was traveling for work so Janey and I went to Grandma and Grandpas for Halloween .

2005 Janey was a witch. Matt and Misty lived here and we had a lot of fun on Halloween that year .

Halloween 2006 Jer thought that he was so funny being a blind referee. Of course Janey was a beautiful fairy.

Last Halloween 2007 with Grandma Deb Janey was a BYU cheerleader and AJ was a pirate. Jeremy was gone to China so hopefully he Will be around for this Halloween.